Monday 20 October 2014 - 00:00 to Friday 24 October 2014 - 00:00

Effective career education and guidance must reflect the changing needs of the global economy to ensure that employers have access to the skilled workers that they require, both now and in the future. With the ever changing face of the labour market and the rapidly evolving global economy, the need for good quality careers provision is probably greater than ever. Therefore, services provided to both young people in schools and vocational colleges, in training, and to adults seeking work or to up-skill, need to reflect the needs of a modern vibrant and dynamic 21st century.

The Seminar will benefit senior government officials, policy and decision makers, employers and employer organisations, donor agency, representatives and senior education staff. It will provide delegates with an insight into policy and practice across the UK in the field of careers education and guidance, with a particular focus on the system in Northern Ireland who will be hosting the event.

Delegates will have the opportunity to meet the senior policy makers and implementers of careers education and guidance system in Northern Ireland and the other UK countries who will share their current practice and plan for future development. Delegates will also have the opportunity to visit schools, technical colleges and careers centres to see first-hand how services are delivered.

The objectives:

  • To share UK knowledge, information and best practice in the area of career education and guidance.
  • To highlight the importance of effective use of labour market intelligence to inform careers guidance and curriculum development in secondary schools, vocational colleges and training providers.
  • To provide delegates with the opportunity to network with leading UK and international experts in the field.
  • To explore how current and future policy and practice in NI and the rest of the UK could help inform delegates’ own national reform plans.

If you are from Serbia and you are interested to take part in this event, please contact Aleksandar Borisavljevic from our Belgrade office.