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- British Council Serbia IELTS Award
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- Why take an exam with the British Council?
- Take IELTS with the British Council
- Study in the UK
- What's on
- Our work in arts, education and society
- Our work in English
- Our work in arts
- Richard Deacon in Belgrade - DOTS Gallery from 19 September
- Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans (CC4WBs)
- CC4WBs project: Expanding Theatre Landscapes
- CC4WBs Project: Creative Gate builds a Future of Creative Collaboration in the Western Balkans
- CC4WBs project: Beyond Stage Mastery
- CC4WBs project: Independent Art Movement (IAM) – Montenegro Project
- CC4WBs project: New Era, Artistic Discourses on Social and Climate Changes
- CC4WBs project: Singing Heroes from the Margins to Centre Stage
- CC4WBs project: Western Balkans Cultural Heritage Innovation Lab (WBCHIL)
- CC4WBs: Open Calls Round 2
- CC4WBs project: Connecting Dots, Exploring Shared Film Heritage
- CC4WBs: Successful Grant Recipients supported by British Council
- Creative Leaders Academy
- Creative Spotlight
- Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans (CC4WBs): Open Calls - CLOSED
- Call for short term consultants
- Call for Consultants: Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans (CC4WBs) - CLOSED
- The European Union, UNESCO, the British Council and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation launch the project “Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans” (CC4WBs)
- Creative Producers Open Call 2023-2024
- Creative Producers in the Western Balkans 2021-2022
- British Council Panel at the CIM Forum Kotor | 27 May 2023
- Our global work in arts
- Our work in education and society
- Spark: Skilled Youth, Empowered Communities, Serbia: Call for grant applications - Invitation to youth-oriented CSOs
- ICILS Research Analysists – Open call
- Official Launch of the Education for Equality Project
- Western Balkans Media for Change
- Call for consultants
- 21st Century Schools
- About the 21st Century Schools Project
- About the 21st Century Schools Programme
- News about the programme
- Coding competitions
- Education 4.0
- Programming of Micro:bit devices within the subject Engineering and Technology
- Coding Challenge 2020 is finished
- We have won the PC press Top 50 award
- Micro:bit devices donated to schools in Serbia
- Cooperation with the ’Petlja Foundation’ as a part of '21st Century Schools' project
- 21st Century Schools programme on Science Fair
- Coding Challenge 2019, 29 November, Zrenjanin
- 21 June 2019, Royal visit
- 4 april 2019, Regional coding competition
- Pupils from the elementary school "Emilija Ostojić", Požega won the third competition in programming on micro:bit devices
- Applications for computer science teacher training
- Meeting of the Director of the British Council and Minister Šarčević
- Third cycle of teacher training
- Resources
- Successful stories from our schools
- Online Coding Competition with micro:bit devices – first place belong to the elementary school „Emilija Ostojić“ with project „Svetlosno-zvučni rasterivač ptica“
- Online Coding Competition with micro:bit devices – second place belongs to the elementary school „Jovan Cvijić“ with project „Bezbednost u saobraćaju“
- Online Coding Competition with micro:bit devices – third place belongs to the elementary school „Stanimir Veljković Zele“ with the project „Matematika nije bauk“
- Project that helps peers with autism
- "Nikodije Stojanović Tatko" Primary School - "Be a friend-Report Violence"
- 21st Century Schools is for everyone
- Interview with students from 'Matija Gubec' School, Donji Tavankut
- Is our air clean?
- Modern greenhouse from Niš
- Watch out, we are counting!
- Will micro:bit revolutionise education?
- Report on the positive impact of the '21st Century Schools' programme on vulnerable children
- Tender for suppliers to purchase micro:bit kits and accessories
- Women in Science and IT
- Media for All
- Youth and Youth Media
- Gender Equality in the Media
- Gender Equality Matters: Media for All programme activities
- Pilot Mentoring Scheme for early career females in the media
- Mentoring makes a difference: success stories from the programme
- Mentoring makes a difference: the mentor's view
- The mentee's experience: promoting gender equality in the workplace
- Why I took part in the Media for All Mentoring Programme
- Why Women in Media is Priceless
- Engaged Citizens Reporting
- Business Development
- News about the Programme
- Applications and Calls
- Apply for the Media for All Traineeship Programme for Young Journalists
- Call for Applications for Traineeship Scheme for Young Journalists
- Call for Capacity building consultants and trainers
- Call for applications for mentees – extended deadline
- Call for consultants – gender experts
- Call for local and regional media in Serbia to apply for Business Development and/or Engaged Citizen Reporting Grants
- Design and development of website/s for media outlets based in Serbia
- Media for All Scholarships available for BIRN Summer School of Investigative Reporting
- Request for Proposal: Website support activity coordination
- Request for design and development of websites for media outlets
- Making a difference: What young journalists had to say about our programmes
- Angela Petrovska, novinarka, Vidi Vaka
- Ena Čaušević, editor-in-chief, Radio Active Zenica
- Geri Emiri, journalist and editor-in-chief, Amfora Media
- Majlinda Brahimi, journalist, Mitrovica TV
- Nemanja Marinović, journalist and executive editor, Zoomer Youth Portal
- Đurđa Radulović, journalist, Centre for Investigative Journalism of Montenegro
- The Western Balkans Science Engagement Programme (SEP)
- Breaking barriers to entrepreneurship
- Improving Citizens’ Engagement on Issues of Public Interest
- Digital Cities
- Active Citizens
- Opportunities for co-operation with UK universities
- Youth - entrepreneurship and employability
- Capacity building and reform
- EU Scheme for Young Professionals in the Western Balkans
- Western Balkans Extremism Research Forum
- Higher Education Dialogues – Deep Dive