Monday 10 November 2014 - 00:00 to Friday 14 November 2014 - 00:00

The UK is continuously implementing improvements to the systems and processes that from its employer-led national skills strategy. These include increasing the age for completing compulsory education, refocusing funding, implementing new schemes that allow employers to develop new solutions to skills needs and supporting and promoting apprenticeships as way of ensuring young people can access employment.

The Seminars will benefit senior government officials, policy and decision makers, employers and employer organisations, donor agency, representatives and senior education staff.

This Seminar will help delegates understand the political, economic and social drivers for reform of the UK’s demand-led technical education and skills system, and provide an overview of the main organisations involved. It will combine workshops and briefings from key UK organisations and agencies, and visits to relevant organisations. It will also provide excellent opportunities to network with delegates from around the world who will have expertise and an interest in system reform.

The objectives:

  • To identify the key principles, tools and mechanisms that the UK has used to develop a demand-led system driven by UK Government’s strategy.
  • To understand the key components of a demand-led competency-based education and training system, and how these could be applied more widely.
  • To analyse the role of skills development in improving productivity and competitiveness, and to understand the key role employers play in the UK system.
  • To understand the rationale for qualification reform in the UK and the benefits of flexible qualifications frameworks.
  • To identify how funding and regulatory mechanisms can be used to continuously improve the supply and quality of provision.
  • To review recent innovations in UK technical education and skills provision.
  • To explore how approaches discussed during the seminar could provide useful models for delegates’ national reform plans.

If you are from Serbia and you are interested to take part in this event, please contact Aleksandar Borisavljevic from our Belgrade office.