Over 120 speakers from Serbia, the region and the UK shared their experience and ideas with the audience at the 'New Technologies in Education 2016' conference. Find out who were the speakers and what were the topics they covered in their presentations.

Have a look at the list of the speakers that spoke at the event last year.

Conference speakers list includes:


Final Exam – A Platform for Equal Inclusion of Students in the Educational Process

working group | New technologies in inclusive education 

Final Exam is an educational platform that contains questions from the area of Mathematics and Serbian language and literature meant for students who are in the process of preparing for the final exam at the end of 8th grade. Specially adapted questions make the use of ICT possible for students in the process of inclusive education which increases their knowledge. The platform is free and published online. With the use of the platform, students in the process of inclusive education will become more independent, and by common educational means they will prepare themselves for their future professional and social life among peers.


The development of study programmes for digital competences of teachers

working group | New technologies in higher education

Miroslava iz a professor at the Teachers Education Faculty in Belgrade. The aim of her presentation was to show the existing experience in the development of study programmes for obtaining digital competence of future primary school teachers and preschool teachers at the Teachers Education Faculty in Belgrade. By analysing past experiences, a pilot project called EduDigital+ has been developed in order to digitally support teaching IT subjects and the use of modern ICT in teaching.

Miroslava Ristic

Miroslava Ristić


Miroslava Ristić is a professor at the University of Belgrade faculty of teaching. She was a presenter, co-author and a realisator of multiple professional specialisations on the subject of acquiring digital competencies. She is an author of many scientific articles, studies, books and reviews. Her main scientific interest is in the use of ICT in education.


Mobile applications in an out-of-class environment

Mobile technologies can make an effective connection between in-class and outside of class teaching environment. If used correctly, they can raise ecological awareness of the students and it can develop a sustainable relationship with nature. The aim of this presentation is to show educational potential with free mobile application in an environment outside of the classroom for elementary school children.

Moodle Mreža Srbije

MMS promotes application of new educational technologies, maintains Serbian language packages for Moodle, organises professional events and other forms of exchange of experiences. It gathers a team of experts with a long-lasting experience in organising training courses aimed at various types of users, installation, upgrade and administration of Moodle LMS, and development of specialised add-ons.

Natalija Budinski

Natalija Budinski


She has been working as a mathematics professor for 16 years and during that time she has constantly innovated the teaching process. She is combining different approaches and methods. For her activities she was awarded twice from the European school of Internet from Brussels. Microsoft listed her as one of the 300 most innovative teachers in the world. She published several scientific articles about education in domestic and foreign magazines. 


Learning about algorithms through dancing

Some basic principles of programming can be learned without the use of computer, for instance, through dancing. Creative teaching within the CREATIONS project.

Nataša Anđelković

Understanding the role of ICT in kindergarten


This presentation is a reflection of the long process of application of ICT in the teachers work. What happened along that way? What issues are essential for children, teachers, parents? What are the main recommendations for the understanding of the role and integration of digital technologies in kindergarten? What is next?

Nataša is a preschool teacher and has dedicated 12 years to research into the application of ICT. The author of the book 'Child and the computer in the family and in kindergarten' and expert papers and presentations, ECDL. She is also a co-educator on the program 'Preschool teacher and the magic of multimedia in educational work'.

Nataša Anđelković, Aleksandra Jocić i Tamara Stojić

Nataša Anđelković, Aleksandra Jocić and Tamara Stojić


Nataša is part of "New technologies in education" from the second beginning, she was a speaker, she held three workshops with a Bibot robot and a participation in a panel discussion. She is the eTwinning ambassador in Serbia. She is working on digital technology in pre-school institutions since 2002/2003. She is constantly learning and researching this topic and always sharing her knowledge with colleagues.


Computer thinking in kindergarten, Erasmus+ project

The development of computer thinking in an early age of a child can significantly determine the process of learning and it can create a good foundation for preparing children for the life that lies ahead. The goal of this presentation is familiarising with some basic elements of computer thinking, through games and activities which we have met during Erasmus+ course “How to teach coding in school education” in Germany.