Over 120 speakers from Serbia, the region and the UK shared their experience and ideas with the audience at the 'New Technologies in Education 2016' conference. Find out who were the speakers and what were the topics they covered in their presentations.

Have a look at the list of the speakers that spoke at the event last year.

Conference speakers list includes:

Stuart Ball

Stuart Ball


Stuart Ball has over 30 years as an award winning educator. During 20 years working in Primary Education and 10 years as an education evangelist at Microsoft, he has developed a global reputation for developing the use of technology to enhance learning.  He created the Kodu Kup, worked on the BBC micro:bit project, developed activities for teachers using Minecraft. He strongly believes in computational thinking as a 21st century learning skill.


Computing for the rest of Us

Computing, Computer Science, or computational thinking. It has many terms of reference, it is a subject that has recently had an increasingly raised profile in terms of ‘replacing’ a familiar ICT curriculum based around productivity suites and email.There are a lot of challenges regarding teachers expertise, exam pressure, curriculum content and creating programmers.


Formatura was founded in 2012. From the beginning, they’ve been working mostly on projects involving education and modern technologies. In 2013, Formatura launched 'SuperSchoo' website – an internet based classroom for students of higher grades of elementary school (5 to 8 grade). It took 12 months to create over 100 hours of video material, various multimedia content and a complex platform to back it up. After launching 'SuperSchool', Formatura’s used its experience to offer cutting edge solutions in the field of education and training to various companies.


Formatura is the company behind SuperSchool – internet classroom for students from 5 to 8 grade of elementary school. SuperSchool was designed as a convenient learning tool for helping both the children and their parents. The basic functionalities of SuperSchool are video lessons (around 700), exercises with step-by-step explanations, various tests, communication with SuperSchool teachers, etc.


SuperŠkola is an Internet classrooms designed for students of Grades 5 to 8. SuperŠkola contains over 650 video lessons from four subjects - Serbian language, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Also, SuperŠkola offers 1500 gradually solved problems, 1000 questions to test knowledge, communication with teachers as well as a separate set of preparatory tests for elementary school graduation.

Svetlana Belić Malinić

iPedagogy for creative teaching: a case study


Teaching in 'Savremena Gimnazija' features video and audio teaching aids, IWBs, Chromebooks and iPads. In order to facilitate online teaching and learning a special methodology has been developed which encompasses an interactive approach in order to foster students' skills to identify, understand and solve problems by using cross-curricular knowledge and transversal skills.

Svetlana is the Principal of 'Savremena Gimnazija'. Educated in the UK, she has merged her knowledge and experience into a doctoral thesis on International Education at the University of Leicester. Winner of International House John Haycraft scholarship, Svetlana explored iPedagogy and came off second "Global Teacher of the Year", awarded by Pearson.


Creativity in 21st Century Learning

Working group | new technologies in higher education

Svetlana uses a creative concept of education which merges global trends in teaching methodology, IT and curriculum design. Having applied such an approach, she has been ranked the second best at 21st Century Teacher of the Year competition, a recognition globally awarded by Pearson.




Svetlana is a professor in a school for students with hearing impairments. Specialist education, in the duration of one year, for the first time, is available to hairdressers with hearing impairments. They proved that they deserve an opportunity for further education in their field. The fact that all of the students successfully use new technologies in communication, provide us with the opportunity to implement the predicted curricula and assure successful education.

Svetlana Njegomir | Milan Njegomir

Distance laboratory experiments


What will you do if you don't have the right conditions to do a laboratory experiment in your school? Will you skip it and deprive your students of a chance to gain some practical knowledge, or will you take them somewhere where they can see it done first hand and take the opportunity to visit laboratories of better equipped schools and universities in Serbia and Europe. 

Tanja Trobok | Ljubiša Avgustin

Shakespeare in a video game- learning by playing


Dulce et utile is educational ideal, and video games are one of the ways to achieve it. How does it look like when the Mid-Summer Night's Dream is turned into a video game? How does the process of creating such a project look like and how challenging is it? Tanja Trobok got her Master degree in Comparative Literature in Novi Sad and ever since has been engaged in journalism and marketing wishing to one day use this knowledge to promote literature. She is a consultant at the Crowded Room Studio, and game designer at the Cleveris Media. Ljubiša- born and raised in Novi Sad, showed interest in gaming in his early days. During his school years he discovered love of writing and has managed to integrate it in business with his passion of video games and since then he's been engaged in video games design.

Tatjana Ćitić | Nevena Mladenović Blagojević

Yesterday, today and tomorrow – mind rules 


The appearance of the official RTS YouTube channel educational shows, especially those aimed at younger audiences, achieved great rating results – they were most watched among all of the shows with educational and scientific content. With the development of new technologies we must try to create new interactive shows and change the way of their dissemination. This presentation will show the efforts of RTS to cooperate and interact with younger audience by probing their viewing habits, show affinity and initiative.

Nevenа is the editor in chief of the School programme department and the coordinator of many innovative programmes for education through fun. Tatjana is the editor in chief of the Department for specialised programmes as well as the RTS3 and diaspora programmes.