Here you can find answers to questions most commonly asked by participants of the event. If you can't find the answer to your question here, feel free to contact us.

How can I apply for participation at ‘New Technologies in Education 2017’?

You can apply as a participant by filling in an online application form. The application will be open until 20 January 2017.

Do I need to pay the participation fee?

Participation in ‘New Technologies in Education 2017’ show is free of charge for all three days of the event.

I have signed in for two days of the event, can I also attend the third one?

Yes. Regardless of the number of days you applied for, all participants are allowed to visit the event during all three days.

I didn’t fill in the application form, can I still attend the event?

Attendance at the event will be allowed for every participant, but it is necessary to fill in the hard copy attendance form during the registration process at the entrance on the day of the event. If you need points for professional development, it will be also necessary to fill in a form for each day of presence in order to receive the certificate with the appropriate number of points.

Is the conference accredited?

The conference is accredited by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and certificate of attendance will be sent electronically to the e-mail address you submitted in the application form. 

I don’t live in Belgrade, can the British Council cover my travel expenses?

Due to the size of the event and number of participants, we are not in a position to cover any travel or accommodation expenses for participants who wish to attend our event. On the other hand, the British Council can offer you a free participation at the high quality and internationally recognised event and for teachers and other educators we will provide appropriate certificate of attendance.

Can I bring my child / student(s) to the conference?

If your child is under 18 and you are the legal parent or guardian, it will be enough to emphasise that at the entrance of the registration. If you plan to bring your students that are under eighteen to this event, you need to fill this group application form and print the Child Protection Policy Document that each student under 18 has to hand in at registration desk on the day of the event. This document has to be signed by a parent or legal guardian or we will not be able to let minors participate in the event.

Do I need any accreditation before the event?

All registered participants will get the necessary accreditation from our staff during the registration at the event.

Where will the event be held?

The event will be held in Belexpocentar and premises of Holiday Inn hotel, 74 Španskih boraca street in Belgrade, from 9 to 11 February 2017.