Thursday 29 January 2015 - 00:00
Palace of Serbia in Belgrade

This event has an objective to present successful programs from Serbia and the UK that contribute to closing the gap between the skill set education provides and the one employer seeks. UK is very successful in mapping employers’ needs, implementing various apprenticeships and workplace learning. Participants will hear best practice models of UK employers that are developing working skills by working in partnership with government institutions.

At event we will explore how approaches to employer engagement and apprenticeship could provide useful models for Serbian national reform plans and also provide an opportunity for leading Serbian and UK experts in the field of employer ownership of skills to connect.

Agenda of the event will include the following:

  • focus on Sector Skills Organisations’ role in Serbia
  • UK models of Apprenticeships and Business solutions
  • panel discussions
  • the overview of partnership between Industry, education  and government in skills development
  • how UK experience can be useful for situation in Serbia
  • plenary.

Attendance to this seminar is by invitation only.