The conference ‘New Technologies in Education 2017’  gathered over 180 educators,  teachers, enthusiasts from Serbia, the region and the UK that opened new views and approaches about the education and digital age topics and with participants discussed the future of education. 

Have a look at the list of the speakers that spoke at the event last year. You can also watch some of the lectures (available in Serbian only) and download the presentations.


DAY 1, 9 February hall SPACE  hall INSERT hall ALT
DAY 2, 10 February hall SPACE  hall INSERT hall ALT
DAY 3, 11 February hall SPACE hall INSERT hall ALT


Maja Anđelković Šeguljev

Ten pieces of advice for a great eTwinning project


Maja talked about eTwinning advice- what is eTwinning and what is offered by this platform, how technical preparation of a project looks like, what are the methods and forms of project work, cooperation and motivation, specific project results...Maja holds a master degree in philology, currently works as a Serbian language teacher at the Primary School “Sveti Sava” in Belgrade. She participated in a large number of international projects and researches of national importance for improvement of education.

Maja Šimrak Grbić

Teaching with technology: Digital tools & Military English


Including digital gadgets and new technologies in education is a natural process facilitating finding the appropriate approach for various learning styles and multiple intelligences. The materials constituting the course outline as can be found on the Moodle platform that we use are combined with various digital resources and aids to create a vibrant, inspiring and effective learning environment. Maja delivered teacher trainings in Kazakhstan, Mozambique, Ukraine, Poland and Bulgaria for the Peacekeeping English Project and participated in numerous international projects in her areas of expertise: autonomous learning, computer aided language learning (CALL) and using Internet for teaching. She is currently distance learning co-ordinator in charge of on-line, in-house designed (Moodle) courses.

Majda Adlešić

Educational package Water agent


Educational package Water Agent enables direct monitoring of drinking water consumption and, through education of children, the change in their everyday habits in dealing with water. In addition, it enables children to network schools and connect via this application. An innovative technical solution and application also make an excellent teaching tool for multiple subjects. Majda Adlešić, project manager of the Water Agent project in the Danube region, is a landscape architect by profession. In parallel to running her own private business she is also active in non-governmental sector, primarily in project cycle management. She is most active in the area of environmental protection, sustainable development and is extremely dedicated to education of preschool and school children. 

Marija Rajić Simić

WikiSerbian made to suit every student


Wikispaces in working with children with developmental difficulties, but also with talented children. This example of cooperative and project classes enables equal participation, inclusion of all students, insight in the activity and progress of students.

Marija graduated Serbian language and literature with general linguistics at the University of Belgrade, and is currently working on her Masters paper in the area of computer linguistics. She is a long-term associate of the 'Tech Lifestyle' magazine, and she also published articles in the 'Prosvetni pregled'. She participated as a lecturer at Blogomania, Teachers for New Age conference, and at the stand of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. Besides ICT, she is interested in new approaches to teaching in methodological terms. 

Marina Milovanović

Digital tools in foreign language classes


Digital era has brought about changes in all spheres of life, and therefore in the way of learning and studying. The work with pupils and students born in the digital age has had impact on teachers and their method of teaching. Through presentation of good practice examples an overview of specific teaching tools in foreign language teaching will be displayed, that are easy-to-use and could improve teacher-student communication. Marina Milovanović graduated in 2005 from the Faculty of Philology, University in Belgrade. She completed her master studies at the Singidunum University in 2010, and in 2011 her master studies at the Faculty of Philology. She has written papers for scientific magazines, participated in conferences, and engaged in professional development in the country and abroad. 

Milica Marković

How to use Google maps in classes


The purpose of this lecture was to provide useful advice and practical instructions on how to use Google maps in teaching literature (she teaches Serbian language and literature), and other school subjects like History, Geography, Maths and Art. Serbian language and literature teacher at the Third Grammar School in Belgrade since 2012. Author of a collection of Klett preparatory tasks for Serbian language and literature for first and third year, and associate on the handbook Literature III of the same publisher. She also worked as a mentor at the Center for Talents Belgrade II for research papers in the area of language and literature. Participated in the last year's “New Technologies in Education” conference as a lecturer. 

Milorad Karanović

Playing games on your phone? Be a jack and create your own!


Pupils own smart phones, play games, but the jack is the one who creates their own application and brags about it to their friends and thus activates others. Free online tool Appinventor enables us to, with minimum resources, introduce gamification in computer science classes, developing in that way independence and creativity in students. Milorad Karanović is a computer science teacher at the Primary School “Sveti Sava” in Kikinda. He participated in many national IT competitions where he ranked first and third, same as in international “Neumman” competition in Hungary where he won first place on the topic of computer games. He is a member of the Serbian Digital Classroom team. Author: Competition- prevention of violence “Safe Cyber Classroom 2016”.

Mirjana Lazor | Peter Tot

Application and differentiation in teaching


Using devices most students and teachers already have in their pockets, along with free applications, it is possible to enable cooperation and research in the classroom, raise quality of classes and make them more attractive and tailor-made.

Peter Tot is a printmaking teacher at the School for Primary and Secondary Education 'Milan Petrović'. He is constantly improving theoretical and practical classes for the future printmakers through different kinds of adjustment and implementation of ICT in their everyday work.

Mirjana Lazor is a school pedagogue at 'Milan Petrović'. In the past years she has been working on informing the broadest public about the opportunities enabled by assistive technology. Eight years ago she launched a remote learning school portal (Milanče) aimed to increase access to education for children not attending school. 

Mirjana Mihajlović | Nebojša Marković

Digital Library 'Braille's Cloud'


ICT solutions for students who are unable to use standard textbooks. Cloud technologies enable equal conditions for education.

Mirjana is a graduate ethnomusicologist, accordion teacher, coordinator at the 'Inclusive Network' association.  Advocates education accessible to all. Author of numerous projects and seminars in the area of inclusive education. She converted over 60 textbooks to Braille's alphabet and created the 'Braille’s Cloud' platform containing books in Braille's writing system.  

Nebojša is a graduate electrical engineer. Over the last 15 years he has been delivering training and technical support for commissioning and application of assistive technologies, primarily for persons with physical disabilities and the blind. He is a president of the newly established Center for Assistive Technologies 'AsTeh'. 

Nataša Jovanović Lješković

Transfer of model course from classroom to VLE


This presentation addressed our experience in transferring a course from a “regular” university classroom to an online learning environment.  Development of an online course in the field of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology has been one of the work packages within the umbrella of the PHAR-IN project activities funded by EU Lifelong Learning Program. In nearly 20 years of professional career Nataša has been working as professor, corporate manager, entrepreneur, project manager, technology transfer and innovation consultant. Nataša has a background is in the pharmaceutical field: a pharmacist graduated from University of Belgrade, Serbia, with the PhD in (bio)pharmaceutics from Utrecht University, The Netherlands.