Masa Mileusic is a well-known Serbian journalist, presenter, trainer, consultant and gender expert. She explains why she chose to become a mentor and what she is gaining from the experience.

Why did you apply to become a mentor? 

To share experience, knowledge, learn to see things differently. It is always important to broaden your horizons. As a mentor, you work on your communication skills by working with your mentee and having conversations. Since you get to share your knowledge and experiences, it can reinforce what you know. It also opens the door for new learning.

As a mentor, you can broaden your network by connecting with other mentors and leadership professionals. If you are a good mentor and your mentee succeeds, part of the success is owed to you. Ultimately, the highest sense of recognition you may feel is what you give yourself. The feeling of fulfilment and personal growth can be astounding when a mentor looks back at their relationship with their mentee(s).

What difference does it make to someone at the start of their career to have a mentor?

Mentees can expand their knowledge and skills, gain valuable advice from a more experienced person, and build their professional networks. And both partners can improve their communication skills, learn new ways of thinking, and, ultimately, advance their careers.

From your own experience, how have women challenged gender inequality and what can be done to help them?

To support them in every possible way, without questioning, judging

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is #ChooseToChallenge and women are being asked to raise awareness against bias, take action for equality and celebrate women’s achievement – what steps will you personally take to do this?

By continuing to be a part of several projects including the Media For All project, I am giving a voice to all women who have experienced violence. Women journalists against violence which focuses on engaging with the media through specific programs and guides for journalists who report violence against women and girls. The aim is to help media/reporters to build the understanding of their role in the prevention of violence against women and girls and its ability to report about it in a factual, ethical and sensitive way, organising various training, conferences, seminars, aiming to change media coverage of violence against women.

I am training, mentoring and supporting women journalists and broadening their networks. And contributing to gender equality in the media sector both in terms of gender-sensitive content and improving gender equality in the workplace.