Main programme that will include presentations and lectures from all levels of education.

07.30 Participant registration
09.00 Official opening
09.45 Teacher collaboration to develop blended learning
Diana Laurillard, UK
10.15 The cleaning house: #opendata in education
Srđan Verbić, Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia 
10.30 Education and the international perspective
Marcus Orlovsky, UK
11.00 Break
11.30 Jobs of the future
Ljiljana Krkić and Duša Vuković, Oracle Academy
12.00 The brain advantage: teacher leadership through science
Nikolaos Dimitriadis, University of Sheffield
12.30 Educational programming as a means to learn
Ivan Kalaš, UK
13.00 Break
14.15 Panel disscusion
Pupils internet safety 
15.00 Transforming Education – Global and Local Challenges
Rui Silva, Intel
15.30 Break
16.00 Online learning with the British Council
Rob Lewis, UK
16.30 The promotion of inclusive education by using ICT
Dragana Malidžan Vinkić, Serbia
17.00 Making the most of learning analytics: achieving impact
Simon Cross, UK
17.30 End


Lectures in this hall will primarily focus on primary and secondary education.

07.30 Participant registration
09.00 Video livestream from the 'SPACE' Hall
11.00 Laboratory in the pocket
Marina Dorocki and Vladan Mladenović, Serbia
11.15 The significance of rhythm change in teaching
Danilo Borovnica, Serbia
11.30 Modeling of electrical circuits on a computer
Dragan Kreculj, Serbia
11.45 New technologies and particle physics 
Ivan Stojanović and Jovica Milisavljević, Serbia
12.00 Khan Academy in Serbian 
Igor Popov, Serbia
12.15 Laboratory experiments on distance 
Svetlana Njegomir and Milan Njegomir, Serbia
12.30 E-competent teacher activities' in Slovenia 
Borut Čampelj, Sloveniaa
12.45 Children in the 21st century - coding with 2Code 
Mark Burrows, UK
13.15 Break
14.15 Information society and education, Sava Savić
Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications
14.30 Belgrade Builders – project without a deadline
Katarina Aleksić, Verica Arula and Milena Zindović, Serbia
14.45 Learning to learn with new technologies
Branijeta Kondžulović and Tatjana Tomić Đorović, Serbia
15.00 The use of ICT for education in town library Subotica  
Ivona Vojnić Hajduk and Marijana Tenodi, Serbia
15.15 FabLabPetnica: digital fabrication inSTEM curricula
Ivana Gađanski, Nikola Božić and Miroslava Raspopović, Serbia
15.30 Break
16.00 Creating a Tech Environment 
Mark Martin, UK 
16.30 iPedagogy for creative teaching – a case study
Svetlana Belić Malinić, Serbia
16.45 Don't miser in ICT
Snežana Klepić and Aleksandra Sekulić, Serbia
17.00 Use of ICT technology in project teaching
Radoje Košanin and Anica Tričković, Serbia
17.15 E-medica international project
Edin Kadić, Croatia
17.30 End


Lectures in this hall will primarily focus on higher education and inclusion.

07.30 Participant registration
09.00 Video livestream from the 'SPACE' Hall
11.00 Audio libraries for students
Vlado Delić, Serbia
11.15 Speaking interaction with computer same
Branko Lučić, Serbia
11.30 We communicate with ICT
Iva Urdarević, Katarina Aleksić and Verica Arula, Serbia
11.45 Shortcuts to inclusion: video games for learning while on the move
Mihajlo Arsenijević and Nenad Ralić, Serbia
12.00 Eperiences of a school team for assistive technology
Nevena Ivković, Serbia
12.15 Dissolving barriers to learning
Sharon Gray OBE, UK
13.00 Break
14.15 Bridging the gap
John Thompson, UK
14.45 Open bages in life long learning
Vladan Devedžić, Serbia
15.00 Student evaluation of moodle platform functionality
Uglješa Marjanović, Serbia
15.15 Online teaching, but not as you know it!
Dejan Ljubojević, UK
15.30 Break
16.00 Assessing Soft Skills – 21st century solution
Karl Royle, UK
16.30 Challenges and perspective of online learning
Dragan Domazet, Serbia
16.45 Intelligent machines and employment possibilities
Milan Gnjatović, Serbia
17.00 The agile approach to learning and culture design
Jasmina Nikolić, Serbia
17.15 End


Lectures in this hall will primarily focus on a mix of topics including ICT in HR, training and professional development.

07.30 Participant registration
09.00 Video livestream from the 'SPACE' Hall
11.00 Panel disscusion
Socialy responsible science: from concept to a tool
12.00 Break
14.00 Education and new technologies in a global world 
Katarina Popović, The International Council for Adult Education and Dragan Đorđević, Skills
14.15 E-academy 
Ivana Kostić, Heineken
14.30 The application for recruitment 
Biljana Stepanović, Mondelez
14.45 Technology raises the factors of success to a new level 
Nađa Kozlovački, SAP
15.00 e-learning in a military context  
Maja Šimrak-Grbić, Military Academy
15.15 Break
15.45 EYLeads 
Sonja Jovanović and Mia Melegi, EY
16.00 And then there was a webinar
Marijana Pavlović, KPMG
16.15 The use of mobile applications in the classroom during training 
Dragan Đorđević, Skills
16.30 Panel discussion 
The use of technology in HR
17.00 End

Please note the conference programme is subject to change.