Main programme that will include presentations and lectures from all levels of education.

07.30 Participant registration
09.00 Reflections on Teaching in the Digital Age 
Nil McLean and Danijela Šćepanović
09.30 This is for everyone: computing in English schools 
Miles Berry, UK
10.00 Connected learning experience 
Aleksandar Stepančev, CISCO
10.30 Break 
11.00 Critical reflection on ICT, leadership and forms of professional development 
Tim Rudd, UK
11.30 Digital and online learning ET2020 toolbox: outputs and policy messages 
Mario Roccaro, European Commission
12.00 Integrating ICT in schools: A PISA perspective
Alfonso Echazarra, OECD
12.30 Break
13.45 Courageous Leadership - One Schools’ Journey 
Sharon Gray OBE, UK
14.15 Education and gamification
Mark Martin, UK
14.45 Digital child - analogue adult: human value in a technological world 
Nikky Smedley, UK
15.15 Break
15.45 ETF case study on digital and online learning in VET in Serbia 
Alessandro Brolpito, ETF
16.15 Analitycs of teaching 
Dragan Gašević, UK
16.45 Transforming lives through higher education 
Alejandro Armellini, UK
17.15 End


Lectures in this hall will primarily focus on primary and secondary education.

07.30 Participant registration
09.00 Teachers innovating for 21st century learning 
Diana Laurillard, UK
09.30 The world around us in Moodle 
Slavica Gomilanović, Serbia
09.45 e-Twinning in educational institutions 
Jelena Dragaš and Nataša Jerković Đukanović, Serbia
10.00 Small geography project – countries of Europe 
Aleksa Popadić, Serbia
10.15 With new tool towards new knowledge 
Vesna Ždrnja, Serbia
10.30 Break
11.00 Five minutes of phenomena 
Jelena Kolundžija, Serbia
11.15 Why do we need all that knowledge if we don't know how to use it? 
Jasna Marković, Serbia
11.30 Android application as a project in the field of culture 
Dragana Aleksić, Aleksandra Bojović and Željka Bojić, Serbia
11.45 Technology and formative assessment 
Milica Marković, Serbia
12.00 Learning analytics in the pilot project of e-School (CARNet) 
Renata Ivanković, Jurica Vratarić, Croatia
12.15 e-Safety: engaging with the whole school community 
Alan Mackenzie, UK
12.45 Break
14.00 Yesterday, today and tomorrow - mind rules 
Tatjana Ćitić and Nevena Mladenović Blagojević, RTS
14.15 Clickers in classroom 
Marina Dorocki and Vladan Mladenović, Serbia
14.30 Algorithmization of children's literature 
Jelena Hadži-Purić, Sebia
14.45 Vikidahije
Anđelka Petrović, Serbia
15.00 Using Scratch in the mathematics classroom 
Miles Berry, UK
15.30 Break
16.00 Panel discussion
Teaching informatics in primary and secondary education 
17.00 End


Lectures in this hall will primarily focus on higher education and inclusion.

07.30 Participant registration
09.00 How to find electronic education materials for all children? 
Mirjana Lazor, Serbia
09.15 Students' books in daisy format and inclusive lecturing in Montenegro 
Nađa Durković, Montenegro
09.30 Laboratory practice in inclusive education with help of Android application 
Biljana Marić and Jasna Ristić
09.45 Technology for supporting students with dyscalculia 
Lidija Trifunović and Željko Trifunović, Serbia
10.00 ICT as a modern tool for learning and encouraging 
Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša, Croatia
10.15 Application for working with autistic children 
Milica Đurić, Serbia 
10.30 Count me in: promoting inclusivity using ICT and more 
Nikky Smedley, UK
11.00 Break
11.30 Old wine and new bottles: where has innovation gone? 
Alejandro Armellini, UK
12.00 Technologies for alternative knowledge testing 
Vladan Devedžić, Serbia
12.15 Buliding OER for agricultural education 
Vesna Poleksić, Serbia
12.30 On with the old, if there is no new: low-tech teaching 
Jelena Gledić, Serbia
12.45 Break
14.00 Analitycs of teaching: How to upgrade the education system? 
Dragan Gašević, UK
14.15 Knowledge management in intelligent organisations 
Sonja Radenković, Serbia
14.30 Digital curation, new skills for new digital age 
Miloš Bajčetić, Serbia
14.45 Additive technologies in higher education 
Dejan Movrin, Serbia
15.00 Making e-learning materials through learning objects 
Danijela Ljubojević, Serbia
15.15 E-portfolio development in ATS2020 project 
Borut Čampelj, Slovenia 
15.30 Emerging patterns in distance learners' use of mobile devices
Simon Cross, UK
16.00 End


Lectures in this hall will focus on a mix of topics ranging from ICT in kindergarten to specialised education software.

07.30 Participant registration
09.00 Challenges and opportunities of using new technologies 
Slavica Ilić, Serbia
09.15 Understanding the role of ICT in kindergarten 
Nataša Anđelković, Serbia
09.30 The use of computer for preschool children 
Darko Petrović, Serbia
09.45 The computer in world of preschoolers 
Slobodanka Miladinović, Daliborka Živković, Dragan Dragićević
10.00 The use of WEB 2.0 in kindergartens 
Nataša Vrapčević, Serbia
10.15 Exploiting digital technologies in kindergarten 
Ivan Kalaš, UK
10.45 Break
11.15 The use of Google classroom in teaching 
Biljana Vučković, Sebia
11.30 Method I3: the interactivity on the third 
Ivana Katavić and Hrvoje Mladinić, Croatia
11.45 Around the world in 60 minutes 
Ante Čurlin, Serbia
12.00 Europe Code Week in Serbia 
Čaba Vereš, Serbia
12.15 EcoReporters application for learning English 
Ivana Banković, Sanja Tasić and Marko Banković, Sebia
12.30 Break
13.00 'Online' headteacher 
Vladimir Stanković
13.15 Leadership in schools
Dušan Milovanović, Serbia
13.30 Behind the leader 
Marija Lukač, Serbia
13.45 The importance of school software for headteachers 
Nebojša Obradović, Serbia
14.00 End

Please note the conference programme is subject to change.