Call for Proposals Round 2

The joint project “Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans” (CC4WBs) implemented by UNESCO, the British Council and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), aims to improve the performance of the cultural and creative sectors in order to enhance skills, knowledge, and access to financial aid to increase competitiveness and sustain co-production and circulation of goods and services in the Western Balkans. This systemic and people-centred approach to development is intended to deeply embed progress across the sector, while ensuring ownership and engagement as key requirements for local sustainability.

In the scope of the CC4WBs project, we are announcing the second round of open calls:

Open Call for Proposals for Organisations and Institutions, Round 2

This is the second round of the Open Call for Proposals within four Thematic Windows of this Regional Joint Project, following the successful awarding process of the first round. The awarded grantees in the first round are found here. The CC4WBs project will complement the first round with fresh ideas around 4 Thematic Windows and will cooperate with eligible parties in the region from the public and civil society sectors.

Grant-funding and capacity-building opportunities within the Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans programme are organised around the following four thematic windows:

1. improved local cultural spaces through improved public-private partnerships;

2. artists, media professionals and cultural operators mobilised, connected and enabled to promote the diversity of cultural expressions in and from the Western Balkans;

3. regional networking, cooperating and promotion for enhanced cultural production and access;

4. protecting and leveraging cultural heritage for sustainable development.

Key Information

Who can apply: Civil society organisations (CSOs) and public institutions from Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia 

Opportunities: Grant funding of up to 80,000 EUR per project depending on the thematic window.

Deadline for submitting proposals: 27 May 2024 at 17:00 (CET). 

Public Call for Applications for Small Grants for Individuals

Through this Public Call for Small Grants, the CC4WBs project aims to fill some funding gaps and to satisfy the growing demand of the Western Balkans’ cultural and creative industries, cultural operators, youth, media professionals and other individuals to be supported in their efforts to create a strong network within the Western Balkans and to become recognized inside and outside the WBs region.

This public call is intended for individuals:

  • Looking for an artistic residency in the Western Balkans region or Europe;
  • Looking for opportunities to participate in European or Western Balkans’ culture and heritage-based tourism fairs, professional industry gatherings, training and professional development activities related to culture, heritage, and creativity, artistic expos or similar events and contribute to the promotion of the Western Balkans in areas of cultural tourism; arts, culture and media, and youth development.