CC4WBS open calls, image

Grant-funding and capacity-building opportunities within the Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans programme are organised around the following four thematic windows:

  1. improved local cultural spaces through improved public-private partnerships;
  2. artists, media professionals and cultural operators mobilised, connected and enabled to promote the diversity of cultural expressions in and from the Western Balkans; 
  3. regional networking, cooperating and promotion for enhanced cultural production and access;
  4. protecting and leveraging cultural heritage for sustainable development.

Calls for proposals are now open, and organisations and individuals are invited to submit their proposals and applications related to the above listed areas according to the terms outlined below.

Open Call for Proposals (Organisations and Institutions)


The Open Call for Proposals is organised around four thematic windows for applicants to choose from. Basic information about this is provided below. Please read the Open Call for Proposals – Guidelines for Applicants for detailed information on each Thematic Window.

Key Information

Who can apply: Civil society organisations (CSOs) and public institutions from Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia 

Opportunities: Grant funding of up to 80,000 EUR per project. 

Duration: Proposed projects can be from 3 to 18 months long. 

Deadline for submitting proposals: 31 May 2023 at 17:00 (CET). 

Thematic Windows

  1. Improved local cultural spaces through improved public-private partnerships

Applicants are invited to prepare proposals to steer local creativity, cultural entrepreneurship and the sustainable use of cultural heritage, and to promote the cultural and creative valorisation of public spaces, thus contributing to local community development, including youth and women.

2. Artists, media professionals, and cultural operators mobilised, connected and enabled to promote the diversity of cultural expressions in and from the Western Balkans

This Thematic Window is divided into two separate LOTs.

LOT 1: Applicants are invited to prepare proposals aiming at improving capacities of media professionals and content creators covering arts and culture to counter disinformation and misinformation, thereby strengthening freedom of expression and free, independent and pluralistic media.

LOT 2: Applicants are invited to submit proposals for the development of a ‘Creative Gate’+ ‘’Arts Discovery Platform’’, a digital portal aiming to promote and facilitate cooperation with and between cultural and creative industry (CCI) professionals across the WBs.

3. Regional networking, cooperation and promotion for enhanced cultural production and access

This Thematic Window is divided into three separate LOTs.

LOT 1: Applicants are invited to submit proposals for any, combination thereof or similar initiatives, as per the below:

  • Inter-city festivals, arts competitions, cultural events and regional cooperation for research and development on culture and creativity for sustainable development
  • Stimulating regional cooperation on specific topics (e.g. culture and creativity for social innovation), involving partners from different cities, or creating opportunities for exchanges with and among the Creative Cities, in cooperation with the UNESCO Creative Cities from the WBs and from the EU
  • Developing joint branding for the Western Balkans’ CCS
  • Artistic residencies from any type of art or cultural expression within the Western Balkans or with EU countries aiming to support the mobility of artists and cultural operators

LOT 2: Applicants may apply for grant schemes on sectoral development through proposing sustainable, self-manageable Culture and Creativity Learning Labs focused on the topics of business planning, management, community engagement, communication, advocacy, fundraising, production management and technical skills, and artistic and curatorial practice.

LOT 3: Applicants may apply for the grant scheme for artistic co-productions that aims to support regional co-productions addressing emerging societal challenges in the region, and to stimulate the development of regional content and circulation. Applicants are encouraged to develop and promote ideas and awareness of global relevance in artistic and cultural production. 

4. Protecting and leveraging cultural heritage for sustainable development

Applicants are invited to prepare small-scale cultural heritage projects to boost local participation and community engagement for sustainable development and to support the definition, improvement, or implementation of inclusive and sustainable management systems and plans for heritage sites.

For application forms, guidelines, eligibility criteria, and full terms and conditions, please read the Open Call for Proposals – Guidelines for Applicants document carefully.

Open Call for Expressions of Interest in Cultural Leadership and Media Programmes (Individuals)


This Call for Expressions of Interest is organised as part of Thematic Window 2: Artists, media professionals, and cultural operators mobilised, connected and enabled to promote the diversity of cultural expressions in and from the Western Balkans. Basic information is provided below. For detailed information on this Thematic Window, please read the Guidelines for Applicants – Open Call for Expressions of Interest.

Key Information

Who can apply: Cultural and creative industry professionals, media professionals and other individuals interested in creating media content on culture and creativity, aged 18+.

Opportunities: Capacity building and professional development for individuals from cultural, creative, and media sectors.  

Deadline for submitting proposals: 15 May 2023 at 17:00 (CET).

Thematic Window

Artists, media professionals, and cultural operators mobilised, connected and enabled to promote the diversity of cultural expressions in and from the Western Balkans

This Thematic Window is divided into two separate LOTs, which are further divided into different Programme Cycles. 

LOT 1 / Programme Cycle 1: Creative Leaders Academy – The expected duration is approximately 1 month in the first half of 2023.

LOT 2 / Programme Cycle 1: Creative Spotlight – The expected duration of capacity-building activities is approximately 2 months in the first half of 2023. Following the completion of the capacity-building phase, the production of media content should commence.

LOT 2 / Programme Cycle 2: Countering disinformation and misinformation – The expected duration is approximately 2 months following Programme Cycle 1. Following the completion of the capacity-building phase, the production of media content should commence.

For the application form, guidelines, eligibility criteria, and full terms and conditions, please read the Open Call for Expressions of Interest – Guidelines for Applicants  document carefully.