Coding Challenge 2019

Coding Competition 2020

The purpose of the Competition is to engage children from all over the country and to inspire young people to solve everyday problems in their schools and communities through the programming of physical devices. The Competition will use the BBC's micro:bit device to enable children to design a project in response to the Sustainable Development Goals and to explore solutions to the problems they face in their daily lives.

The 2020 Programming Competition is open to all students in grades 5 to 8 from schools that meet the following criteria:

  • Participated in critical thinking and problem-solving training within the British Council's 21st Century Schools Project from September to December 2019
  • They have implemented a program in schools which includes the realization of classes with the use of methods of critical thinking and problem solving and have implemented a cross-curricular school project
  • Schools whose teachers have completed an online course on the use of micro: bit devices

This competition will have two rounds (online and live) when the winners of the country-level coding competition will be selected, who will then have the opportunity to participate in the Regional Coding Competition. The coding contest is organized in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia.


"do your:bit" competition?

Do your:bit challenge is opening on 16th September and closes on February 28, 2020. Regardless if you participate in the Coding Challenge or not, you are eligible to participate in this challenge.  do your:bit challenge is led by the micro:bit Educational Foundation and supported by British Council, for more information, check Do Your Bit Challenge website.

If you are participating in the Coding Challenge and are interested in participating with the same entry in ‘do your:bit’ Global Challenge, then your entry for  Coding Challenge should be in English and in line with the SDG goal 14 and SDG Goal 15. 

Do your:bit is a micro:bit Challenge that challenges children and teens all over the world to get creative and invent a solution to SDG 14 Life Below Water and SDG 15 Life On Land using the micro:bit. Children with the winning ideas will be awarded a fully funded trip to London with their parent/guardian, funded by the Foundation. This challenge is open to all children age 8-14.

How to make a zip folder?

Create a folder with all the necessary documentation for competition. Right-click the folder, select (or point to) Send to, and then select Compressed(zipped) folder. A new zipped folder with the same name is created in the same location.

Register project to EU Code Week platform

In case you wish to register your project on EU Code Week platform and help your country win the digital race this year, please make sure to use reference to our programme. One of the fields you can fill in, while adding your activity on the platform, is TAG. Please make sure to use #21stCenturySchools in English, and not your local language, in the TAG field.