Our representatives were part of an international online conference on new models of education in a pandemic called Education 4.0. We presented the "21st Century Schools" program and discussed the challenges that the pandemic has brought to education. The panel also included representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, UNICEF, the French Institute and the Institute for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education.

The Education 4.0 conference aimed to present the challenges education is facing in the 21st century, as well as the best solutions for its improvement created through the experience of organizing various forms of educational programs during the COVID-19 pandemic in Serbia, the region and the world. In addition, the conference participants will touch on new social circumstances and the rapid development of society that affect thinking about basic educational paradigms and how they should be changed in order for education to meet all modern human needs.

Research station "Petnica" and Color Media Communications in cooperation with UNICEF and Link Group organized this international online conference.